If you want a summer wedding in Texas, you need to have a plan for how to keep you, your bridal party, and your guests cool. Nothing kills a romantic mood like heat stroke. So as you plan your wedding, do more than think cool thoughts; have a cooling strategy. (Non-native Texans need to know that summer reaches deep into September. Just because the calendar says Fall doesn’t mean the thermometer cooperates.)


The most obvious way to stay cool during a summer Texas wedding is to choose an indoor, air conditioned venue. As you choose the location, think about who you want to be in attendance. Will your 84 year old grandfather with a heart condition be able to be there if the ceremony or reception are outside in the 90+ degree heat? You may be willing and able to tolerate an outdoor wedding in the heat, but can your guests? San Antonio has a number of beautiful indoor venue options.


Shopping for a wedding dress six to eight months out from your wedding day may lead you to believe that the strapless taffeta number won’t be a problem in the summer heat. Spoiler alert: taffeta doesn’t breathe. You’ll be stewing in your own juices by the end of the celebration. Choose attire that helps you keep your cool. Cotton is ideal. Think seaside formal wear (a.k.a. beach wedding attire). Let the groomsmen wear suspenders or vests instead of full jackets. Opt for a shorter train or a less bulky petticoat. If you plan for a record-breaking heat wave, anything less will be a wonderful surprise. You can always add a shawl or a sweater if something bizarre happens.


Hot temperatures cause sweat. Sweat leads to dehydration. Dehydration leads to fainting. While an open bar is a great way to celebrate, be sure to have plenty of cool beverage options that will help to rehydrate your guests. It’s Texas, so iced tea is culturally acceptable as is lemonade. And there are plenty of icy punch options. You don’t need to eliminate the alcohol. But have plenty of ice water on hand, especially if you have a cocktail hour before the reception and that cocktail hour is outside in a garden area.

Time of day

The later in the evening you can schedule the wedding, the more likely you are to have cooler temperatures. Keep in mind that the sun doesn’t go down until after 8:00 p.m. The other option is to have a morning wedding (say 10:00 a.m.) before the heat of the day peaks. All of these factors play into keeping you cool and your guests comfortable.

Ice Cream Sundaes

The next best thing to having the ice cream man show up at your reception is to have an ice cream sundae bar. Let guests choose from a selection of ice cream flavors and toppings. This satisfies their sweet tooth and helps them cool down from the inside out. (Pro tip: you may need dry ice and really strong ice cream scoopers.)

We’re happy to help you celebrate all year round. If you’re looking for a wedding DJ in San Antonio, give us a call.