“It’s hard to find good help these days.” You’ve heard employers from a variety of industries make this statement. What they’re really saying is that it’s tough to find individuals who are qualified and capable to kind of job we want them to do. Sure, it takes time to sort through resumes and applications, to do interviews, and to make a decision about who to hire. Here at Cutting Edge Entertainment, we consider the process of hiring great San Antonio DJs our first act of customer service. Here are some of the hoops our applicants must jump through in order to be considered.

Properly Dressed

We want our DJs to dress for the occasion. If it’s a formal event like a wedding or gala, we feel like the DJ should wear a tuxedo. As a result, we require our DJs to purchase their own tuxedo to ensure accessibility and a good fit. A good DJ will blend with your guests by not being over-dressed or under-dressed.

Clear Background Check

Our DJs will be interacting with you and your guests so it’s important to us that they are people we would be comfortable having around our own family. Prom DJs, Quinceañera DJs, and any other event DJ needs to be an emcee you can trust to be around your kids. Our DJs go through a thorough background check before we’ll consider inviting them to be on staff.

Public Speaking Abilities

You want your DJ to be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. You also want someone with a pleasant vocal tone and proper annunciation. Imagine hosting a corporate event in which the DJ stammered and spoke in a squeaky voice. The idea is for the DJ’s voice not to draw undo attention while conveying pertinent messages. In other words, you want your DJ to sound like a professional because their professionalism reflects on you. We understand that.

Attention To Details

A quality DJ does more than look good and sound good. They pay attention to details like what time the bouquet toss will be or how to pronounce the best man’s last name. Once again, it’s a matter of professionalism. We want our DJs to make you look good for hosting such a quality event.

Ability To Read And Interact With Guests

Finally, our DJs need to be people. When the crowd is disengaged, our DJs should be able to read it and play something to spark a change in the environment. When intoxicated guest or young children approach the DJ booth wanting to push buttons, make inappropriate song requests, or speak into the microphone, you want a DJ who knows how to interact with your guests professionally and with good judgment.

Our customer service begins with the people we hire. We look for hidden gems in the entertainment industry because we know that if we don’t look good, you don’t look good. Let us prove it to you. Call today to schedule a DJ for your next event.